EVCO meeting 29 September 2008

EVCO meeting 29 September 2008

The 29 September 2008 meeting of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa @ The Museum of Science and Technology. Discussion of peak oil, electric vehicles and alternative transportation. EVCO has its monthly meetings the last Monday at 19h30. DRAFT Transcript: [0:01 to 0:04] [PAUSE] [0:04 to 0:23] DAVID: …And it scared the begeezus out of the Saudi Arabians. And they went and reduced the price because they could see it caused a recession. But it also reduced the consumption of petroleum. And they reduced the price. It’s a freak occurrence that, it’s not… [PAUSE] [0:24 to 2:19] And here it will only happen if we suddenly discover more oil. Because if we don’t discover more oil there will never be a line up. Yes! MEMBER: You’re missing a dimension. DAVID: Which is? MEMBER: I think this is the most important part of the system. Even if they discover 10x as much oil as we’ve already discovered. DAVID: Yeah! MEMBER: It’s a process of…[inaudible: ]… that surround. DAVID: Ok. MEMBER: I think that’s the more important thing because it may cost 100 dollars to put gasoline, but… [Inaudible]… but if you drive a car… and (Cost of traveling)… [Inaudible] DAVID: The book actually goes into sophisticated evaluations of tar sands. The Americans don’t have tar sands, they have shale. And shale is even worse than tar, sands because you have to pulverise it as well as heat it and everything. The bottom line is: Here’s, (euh), one person’s suggestion as to what more oil where 

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